Schmid’s new wedding dress campaign

Schmid’s new wedding dress campaign

Schmid has developed materials - such as satins, laces and glitter – particularly suited to wedding dresses, shoes and accessories


Schmid has launched a new campaign targeting wedding dresses and ceremonial clothing. For the occasion it has purposely created materials for the dresses, shoes and accessories, It is a selection of the company’s core products particularly appropriate for the scope with a vast range of satins, laces and glitter. Among the leading materials of the offer are satins and stretch satins.

As usual, great care was put into details to take into account the specific needs of a particularly demanding market, but that is also a very stimulating business for the company in Italy and abroad.


Schmid: high quality at contained prices

The ceremional items proposed by Schmid are characterised by high quality standards, without reaching high prices. Indeed, Schmid wanted to maintain prices in line with the needs of many young couples that decide to marry in a period when the economic situation is not particularly flourishing. Containing costs, which is critical in this market segment, does not mean foresaking quality, that has always marked the company and its products.

“The most important day in one’s life must not become a financial nightmare for young couples and their families. For this reason, Schmid is committed to maintaining a fair and reasonable pricing policy,” said the Chairman & CEO of Schmid Paolo Ciccarelli.


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